Rutgers University Teams must construct a robot that, in conjunction with a randomly selected teammate robot, be able to pick up bags filled with packaging peanuts, called "floppies", store them, and lift them above eight feet off the ground. The robot also must be able to somehow elevate itself onto a platform in the playing field, called the "puck". This doubles the score. Floppies are worth one point if off the ground, three if raised above eight feet at the time when the match ends. Rounds are two minutes long. Each team is randomly allied with another team, with whom they must cooperate with during that round. During the round, both robots must work to accomplish the scoring goals mentioned above. Points scored by individual teams are kept track of, after every team has played a round allied with every other team. Then, the top eight point winner teams select a partner from the eliminated teams, and go at it in single-elimination rounds until the two winners are selected. They go home with the laurels of victory.