  • Finger Lakes Regional
  • Philadelphia Regional

    - If you missed a meeting, be sure to check out the Meeting Informaton section to get caught up!
    - If you need something put on the calendar, please contact Alisha either via email or at a meeting!


    Our Sponsors

    Team 84 appreciates all of it's generous sponsors. Our team could not exist without our sponsors who have donated necessary resources.

    2006 Sponsors

    Dupont (corporate)
    Penelec: A First Energy Company
    Osram Sylvania

    Dupont (Towanda)
    Citizens and Northern Bank
    Osram Sylvania

    Amzac Appliance
    Athens Township Business Association
    Big Pond Lions Club
    Carol Welch Insurance
    Troy Marble and Granite
    American Legion Aux. Unit 42
    Bill & Marian Feathers
    Douglas and Gail Hilfiger
    Judson's Inc
    Beirne-Webster Home Association Post Thrush Insurance Agency
    Troy Tire
    Cooke's Pharmacy
    CraftMaster Manufacturing
    Howard and Ann Kerr
    Tom & Helene Foreman
    Towanda School Employees Credit Union

    chuck84.org (c) 2006 FIRST Robotics Team #84
    layout by Whitney Glosenger