Finger Lakes Regional
Philadelphia Regional
- If you missed a meeting, be sure to check out the Meeting Informaton section to get caught up!
- If you need something put on the calendar, please contact Alisha either via email or at a meeting!

Team #84 is a partnership of students from three local area high schools, homeschooled students, corporate and other sponsors, dedicated advisors, mentors, alumni, engineers and parents. Each year the team comes together to build a robot, affectionately named Chuck, and competes in the FIRST robotics competition.
There are 30 team members consisting of students, alumni, engineers, parents, and advisors. Our team could not exist without our sponsors who have donated necessary resources.
The following school districts participate with Team 84:
Athens Area School District
Towanda Area School District
Troy Area School District
Q: Who is Huck?
A: Actually, it's not Huck. It's Chuck. Many people have been confused over this, because instead of a traditional C, we have used the shape of our mascot, The Chuck Monster, to form the first letter in Chuck.
Q: Why the name Chuck 84?
A: Chuck 84 was named because a large portion of the team has traditionally owned and worn Converse Chuck Taylor shoes, and our official FIRST team number is 84.
Q: Why are there so many schools involved with Chuck 84?
A: The three schools involved with Chuck 84 (see above) are relatively small so we find it logical to consolidate into one team.
Q: What happened to WATTNESS?
A: WATTNESS was the team name in previous years. Each letter in WATTNESS stood for a school involved with the team. This year, in order to allow more schools to join, the team has adopted a more universal, but still recognizable name, Chuck 84.
Q: What are some of Chuck 84's notable accomplishments?
A: Chuck 84 was the champion of Ramp Riot (2002), the Maryland State Fair (2003), and the first annual Summer Frenzy in York, PA (2004) off-season competitions. Chuck 84 took 2nd place overall at the 1999 National Competition at the 2005 Toronto Regional, and at the 2002 New Jersey Regiional. The team has also performed very well in other regional, championship, and off-season competitions.