News log from 2000
News on our team's progress in the US FIRST project.
1/21/00- Many
new members this year. Started updating the webpage for the 2000 season.
CAD, Animation and design is underway. Copy of the ramp and trough were
built, and students practiced their ball-throwing skills to practice the
chance of being a human player.
1/28/00- Designing
a new format for the webpage. Prototype parts of the bot are under construction,
and the animation is off to a good start. Fundraising is going well, but
we still have a long way to go. Chairman's award deadline is almost here,
and it's almost time to turn up the heat, not much time left.
2/2/00- New
webpage format looks pretty good. It's crunch time already - the Chairman's
Award is due next Friday. Work on the bot's base started tonight, and
is going great so far. The animation is looking good, and CAD is still
well underway. Everything is going great, but we're running out of time
already. Meetings will now be held on a nightly basis to get things moving
2/5/00- Just
finished up some more of the video for the Chairman's Award , it's coming
along great. The animation is almost finished. Getting some pictures for
the wepbage up. Building of the bot is finally underway. The prototyping
is all done, they have a design set, and work on the base looks good so
far. Nightly meetings continue and we're still short on time.
2/19/00- We're
running out of time and the robot isn't done yet! Many people slept (breifly)
here last night and are planning to do the same tonight. Only a few more
days to finish everything. Had to remove several parts as the robot was
overweight. Most parts are done and looking pretty good. It will be done
with little time to spare.
3/6/00-The robot is out of our hands now. As of
today we are getting all the small things together for regionals. There isn't
much else to update you on at the present moment. The webpage is under serious
construction. There are a lot of cosmetic things that need to be changed and fixed.
But I'm on top of that as we speak.
3/12/00-Not really much to say about the robot.
other than we are still working on getting all the small things around for Regionals
and getting things around for Nationals. Other than that we continue to have regular
meetings to discuss strategies and to look over film and the like. The webpage is under
major construction as many can tell. I hope to have the webpage up and running to where
I would like to have everything up that I plan to have up by the time we leave for Rutgers.
3/21/00-We just got back from Rutgers on Saturday and I've finally got
around to updating the page. We fared fairly well in the competition. Yet we were not picked for
the finals. Chuck 4 plans on making a much better showing at Nationals considering we've goteen more
practice driving and manuevering him. Personally it was my frist competition so I was just trying to
take everything in. I'm also semi-new to our team so it gave me a chance to get to know them. It
was a good team building experience and now we know what to expect. The team is optimistic with our
chances at nationals. I would just like to advance a good luck to all the teams involved at Rutgers
and all the teams that will be involved in Nationals. P.S. I'm still working on adding some pic.s to
the memebers pages and more pictures of the robot (C4) and maybe even just various pictures.
6/15/00-Sorry about the long wait. It has just taken me a long long time
for me to figure out all this ftp stuff. I'm not computer expert...but I am in charge of the webpage
just about in full now. So if u have any mistakes please bring them to my attention. You can email me
at [email protected] and any suggestions there would be helpful too. I need to get back to updating
the pictures section. Enjoy! -Suho