The WATTNESS FIRST team is very busy during the months
of January and February. The team schedule is listed below, along with
important deadlines for the various FIRST awards.
Standard meetings will continue from 4-9 on Monday
and Wednesday, 8-5 on Friday and Saturday. We will also be meeting Tuesdays
and Thursdays from now on, but these meetings are optional. This schedule
will continue until at least February 22.
Other important dates:
February 11
Chairman's Award due at FIRST offices by 5 p.m. eastern
February 22
Deadline to ship out Chuck
February 28
Team Party counts for Regional and National Championship
March 9-11
Kennedy Space Center Southeast Regional, Great Lakes
March 15
Autodesk Award is due at Autodesk Offices by 5pm
March 16-18
Johnson & Johnson Mid-Atlantic Regional Competition at
Rutgers University
March 30-April 1
UTC New England Regional, NASA Ames Regional
April 6-8
National Championships
April 8
Distribution of Judge's Awards at Epcot Center